Party building work

The General branch of the Party of Modern Fashion Institute held a special study meeting on Party discipline learning and education

Release time: 2024-05-09107Source: Administrator

On the afternoon of May 8, the General branch of the Party of Modern Fashion Institute held a special study meeting on Party discipline learning and education in the conference room on the third floor of the building, attended by all Party members and representatives of Party activists, and presided over by Pan Ruichun, secretary of the General branch of the Party。

The meeting first conveyed the spirit of Party secretary Li Fangze's speech at the opening mobilization meeting of the Party Discipline learning and education reading class of the Occupational Safety Institute, and interpreted the implementation plan of the General Party Branch of the Modern Fashion Institute on Party discipline learning and education。The meeting focused on learning the first part of the General provisions of the Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China and part of the second part of the chapters, and three comrades such as Pan Ruichun, Zhang Yong and Zhang Li, members of the college team, made exchanges and speeches。Conference emphasisAll party members should closely follow the requirements of "why to learn", "what to learn" and "how to learn", resolutely learn party discipline, Revere Party discipline, abide by Party discipline, resolutely learn discipline, know discipline, Ming discipline, discipline, resolutely learn from the original, chapter by chapter, word by word, and in-depth study。We should do a good job of "five combinations" and pay attention to the effectiveness of thematic learning。(Modern Fashion Institute  Hong Xiaofeng)