Party building work

Intangible cultural heritage education into the classroom career enlightenment RunTongxin Modern fashion Institute to carry out professional experience theme practice activities

Release time: 2024-05-18153Source: Administrator

  为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于职业教育的重要讲话精神,提升职业教育的社会影响力和认知度。May 17th, Modern Fashion InstituteStudent Party branch, Youth League branchJointly Hefei Xinghuayuan Primary School Xiangshan Road campus, Modian community Guangming Community neighborhood Committee and Hefei Xinzhan District Starfish social work service center"Initial experience of professional culture, practice of intangible cultural heritage to help growth" professional experience theme practice activities。

  Xinghuayuan Primary School Xiangshan Road campus35 primary school students were accompanied to the college by Principal Yang Yong and staff from Starfish Social Work Service Center,他们At the Modern Fashion Institute"Firefly" volunteer service team accompanied by teachers and students from the stadium, IUTA sign, by Qingshui Lake, Xingzhi Bridge, Inner Pavilion, Huang Yanpei SquarevolunteerCombine campus culture along the waychildrenA detailed explanation was given

  随后childrenCome to the training room of the main building, Modern Fashion InstituteMs. Li Tianzi, a member of the "Qingjin Yinghuo" intangible cultural Heritage Advocacy Group, ischildrenIntroduce the history and production process of intangible heritage tie-dye, let同学We know firsthand the beauty of tie-dye。在Jin Jun and other teachersUnder the guidance, the children began to practice, they will bind, fold, tie and other methods into their works。Give full play to imagination, independent creation, one piece full of halo and characteristics迥异扎染作品完美呈现出来。陈淑teacher-ledchildrenMade a Chinese knot bracelet,Let themPerception in practice优秀Modern charm of traditional culture。

  The teachers and students who participated in the activity sighedTie dye, Chinese knot braceletThe magic and exquisite skills, they said, this time into Anhui vocational and technical college体验职业启蒙Education is very meaningful, both felt by the collegeDeep campus culture,又体会The unique charm of intangible cultural heritage。Primary school studentOur inspirationLearn more technical skills,Become socially useful才。(Article: Jiang Wei Yao Caixia  Photo: Yang Wanru  预审: Pan Ruichun Reviewed by: Ye Huiling