The Ministry of Education issued the Plan for Training Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges of Higher Learning (2019-2023)

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Teaching Social science letter [10) Notice of the Ministry of Education on issuing the Plan for Training Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges of Higher Learning (2019-2023)

Teaching Social Science Letter (2019) No. 10

    Departments of Education (Commissions of education) of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Education bureaus of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, education departments (bureaus) of relevant departments (units), affiliated colleges of higher learning, and colleges of higher learning jointly established by ministries and provinces:


The Plan for the Training of Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges of Higher Learning (2019-2023) is issued to you, please take into account the actual situation of the local department and the school, and earnestly implement it。The implementation plans and policy initiatives formulated by various localities are submitted to the Social Science Department of our Ministry in a timely manner。


               Ministry of Education

           April 17, 2019


Training Plan for Ideological and Political Theory teachers in ordinary colleges (2019—2023年)

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Education Conference, the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities, and the symposium of teachers of ideological and political theory courses in colleges, we should implement it well"Action to Create Excellence in Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Universities in the New Era",The construction of a full-time, full-time combination, sufficient quantity, good quality of ideological and political theory courses (hereinafter referred to as ideological and political courses) teachers,全面推动习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进教材进课堂进学生头脑,In combination with the construction of ideological and political teachers,This plan has been formulated。

1. Guiding ideology

坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Educate and guide the majority of ideological and political teachers to firmly establish "Four Consciousness",Strengthen the "four self-confidence",Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",Cultivate people with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Implement the Party's educational policy,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,Spread knowledge, spread ideas, spread truth,Shape the soul, shape the life, shape the new,Strive to become an educator of Marxist theory,Train new people to take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation,Train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。

2. Work objectives

Further improve the national, provincial (autonomous region, city), school three-level ideological and political teacher training system,Optimal cultivation mode,Innovative training measures,Enrich training resources,Compaction cultivates responsibility,Make the ideological and political course teachers in the new era more firm in their ideals and beliefs, more solid in Marxist theory, and improve the overall level of teaching and education,We must be strong politically, have deep feelings, fresh thinking, broad vision, strict self-discipline, and honest personality。In teaching reform and innovation,Adhere to the unity of political and academic reason, value and knowledge, constructive and critical unity, theory and practice unity, unity and diversity unity, dominance and subjectivity unity, indoctrination and inspiration unity, explicit education and implicit education unity,Constantly enhance the ideological and political lessons of the ideological, theoretical and affinity, pertinence。Complete and strengthen the team of ideological and political teachers, and strive to train dozens of famous teachers of ideological and political courses with wide influence in China, hundreds of leading talents of ideological and political teaching, and tens of thousands of ideological and political teaching backbonePromote the more balanced and full development of the national ideological and political course teachers, the overall level continues to improve, and effectively run the ideological and political course in colleges and universities in the new era。

Third, training ways and measures

(1) Thematic theoretical rotation training plan

紧密围绕习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重大意义、科学体系、精神实质、实践要求,Around the basic principles of Marxism,Through centralized training and regular education, ministerial demonstration training and provincial school special training, face-to-face training and network training, theoretical learning and practical training and other ways,Promote ideological and political teachers to strengthen the basic skills of Marxist theory,对习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想切实做到真学真懂真信真用。

1."Weekend theory Lecture Hall" was held to organize special training on Marxist classics

Open to teachers of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities across the country“周末理论大讲堂”,重点进行马克思主义经典著作导读、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研学,利用全国高校思政课教师网络集体备课平台,对每次培训进行现场直播。Except for winter and summer holidays, we will hold a lecture every week for about two hours。Local education departments organize a certain number of backbone teachers in fixed locations to study intensively throughout the whole process and strengthen guidance and management。


In accordance with the requirements of better learning and practical practice, the Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, respectively launched special training for the backbone teachers of ideological and political courses in junior colleges and graduate students, especially the backbone teachers of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities in western China, higher vocational colleges and universities, and new teachers of ideological and political courses。Held annually12 sessions, each scale of 100 people, training time is 3 weeks, training 1200 people per year。Local education departments should formulate training plans according to the actual construction of local ideological and political teachers, and hold special training every year。


1) Special study。Ministry of Education、中央宣传部每年暑期以“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的生动实践”为主题开展专题研修,Combined with major festivals such as the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,Every year, 400 teachers are organized to go to the "Research Base for Ideological and Political Theory Teachers in Universities of the Ministry of Education" for special training,The training period is 7 days。Colleges and universities all over the country can rely on the Ministry of Education and provincial colleges and universities ideological and political teachers to conduct social practice training on al-Qaida。

2) Practical research。The Ministry of Education signed cooperation agreements with relevant departments to set up a number of "research bases for ideological and political teachers in colleges and universities in the New Era" in units that have made world-leading achievements in national infrastructure construction such as high-speed railways, Bridges and ports and in major scientific and technological achievements such as aerospace and underwater.。Colleges and universities all over the country shall organize ideological and political teachers to participate in practical research at least once within five years。

(2) Demonstration training plan

1.Special support plan for cultivating reserve talents of ideological and political teachers

Relying on colleges and universities that have authorized doctoral degrees in first-level disciplines of Marxist theory, we will implement a special support plan for training talents at the doctoral and master's levels in Marxist theoryExpand the scale of postgraduate training in Marxist theory, and promote the integration of Marxist theory, master and doctoral personnel training。依托“全国高校思政课教师网络集体备课平台”,组织专项支持计划实施高校马克思主义理论学科博士研究生参加马克思主义经典著作导读、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究两门必修课集中统一学习。

2.Backbone teacher training program

1) Domestic training programs。We will continue to run seminars for key teachers of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities,In the training objects, training courses, training teachers, training bases and other aspects of precision requirements,In the central Marxist theoretical research and construction project unified compilation of college ideological and political course textbooks (2018 edition) from the textbook system to the teaching system transformation efforts,Make great efforts to identify, clarify and explain the common points of ideological and theoretical education and theoretical interest of post-00 college students。Colleges and universities all over the country should carefully select qualified backbone teachers who can play an exemplary role to participate in the training according to the training tasks, so as to achieve full coverage of training in all ordinary colleges and universities in the country within five years, and at least two teachers in each college and university should participate in domestic research and training programs。It is necessary to guide the participating teachers to effectively play the role of mentoring, hold "three sets and three raises" activities in the teaching and research department, that is, focus on discussing and raising questions, focus on preparing lessons and improving quality, focus on training and improving quality, and constantly expand the influence of national demonstration training。

2) Overseas study programs。Every year, a number of top ideological and political teachers are selected to go abroad for 6 to 12 months as government-sponsored visiting scholars。

3) Network training program。Relying on the "National College Ideological and Political course teachers network collective lesson preparation platform", according to the training needs to timely carry out online live training, more than 50 live broadcasts per year, covering the national college ideological and political course full-time and part-time teachers。Develop online learning channels for teachers of ideological and political courses to choose and prepare lessons。

3.Ideological and political teachers are working on a doctoral program

Every year relying on the first batch of national colleges and universitiesThe 19 doctoral programs in first-level disciplines of Marxist theory enroll 100 on-the-job teachers who have been engaged in full-time teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities for more than five years to pursue on-the-job doctoral degrees in Marxist theory。

4.Ideological and political teachers provincial school cooperation training project

To guide the theoretical, teaching and practice bases of some teachers of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education to give full play to their disciplinary advantages, platform advantages and team advantages,Establish a provincial school cooperation mechanism with provincial education departments,Provincial education departments selected and sent ideological and political teachers to the base for special training,Innovative demonstration training methods,Expand the training coverage of training bases。

5.Ideological and political teachers interschool collaboration project

We will further strengthen the guidance on the construction of counterpart support for Marxist colleges in universities, and encourage and support national key Marxist colleges and model Marxist colleges of the Ministry of Education to provide precise counterpart support to Marxist colleges in western universities。Colleges and universities are encouraged to establish intercollegiate cooperation mechanisms, jointly carry out teaching discussions, jointly organize research topics, and jointly train talents through temporary posts, volunteer teaching, and further study, so as to promote the balanced development of ideological and political teachers。

(3) Project funding plan

1.National university ideological and political teaching and research team "excellent support" project

Merit-based support every yearAbout 30 excellent ideological and political courses teaching and research teams have carried out team research on major theoretical and practical issues in the construction of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities。The funding for each project is 400,000 yuan, and the funding period is generally 3 years。

2.National colleges and universities "ideological and political teachers studio" project

Annually selected constructionThere are about 10 "famous teacher studios" projects to train backbone teachers, carry out teaching research, and promote teaching experience。Each "master studio" project is funded by 400,000 yuan, and the construction cycle is generally 3 years。

3.National colleges and universities excellent young and middle-aged ideological and political teachers "merit-based funding" project

Annual selectionAbout 50 young and middle-aged teachers of ideological and political courses with outstanding teaching performance, great scientific research potential and strong innovation ability will be funded with 200,000 yuan per teacher, and the funding period is generally 3 years。Universities and colleges in all localities are encouraged to focus on training outstanding young and middle-aged teachers by means of temporary training and social practice。

4.National colleges and universities ideological and political teaching method reform "excellent promotion" project

Annual selectionAbout 20 excellent ideological and political teaching method reform projects with new teaching methods, good teaching effect and popular among students。The funding for each project is 50,000 yuan, and the funding period is 1-2 years。

5.National University Ideological and political course demonstration teaching and research team construction "Western Project"

Annual supportAbout 10 "Western development strategy" covered by 12 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps college ideological and political courses teaching and research teams。The funding for each project is 400,000 yuan, and the funding period is generally 3 years。

6.National university ideological and political teaching research project

Set up no less than each year100, to carry out research on the key, difficult and hot issues in ideological and political teaching, and strengthen the construction of high-quality teaching resources。The funding for each project is 100,000 yuan, and the funding period is 1-2 years。

(4) Publicity and promotion plan

1.National college ideological and political course demonstration teaching activities

2019年起,Organize and carry out a national demonstration teaching activity of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities every two years,Excellent teaching videos, courseware and teaching plans will be displayed,To commend a group of outstanding ideological and political teachers with firm political stance, strong ethics, solid theoretical foundation, advanced teaching concepts and outstanding educational effects,Cultivate and promote the brand class of "novel formula, exquisite craftsmanship, fashionable packaging and lifelong use",Give full play to the leading role of demonstration teaching。

2.Publicity of advanced experience in the construction of national ideological and political course teachers

Cooperation with central mainstream media,Continue to promote the construction of political science teachers in places and universities with high standing, hard security, practical work and good performance;Continue to promote a group of grassroots teaching and research teams with strong party building, excellent team culture, high teaching level and good social influence;Continue to publicize a group of ideological and political teachers with excellent political quality, exquisite professional ability and excellent educational level。Colleges and universities all over the country should take the initiative to cooperate with the central and provincial (autonomous region, city) mainstream media to publicize and promote the advanced experience in the construction of ideological and political teachers, and create a good atmosphere for the development of ideological and political teachers。

Iv. Organization, leadership and implementation

This plan shall be organized and implemented by the Ministry of Education。All colleges and universities should conscientiously implement it in accordance with the actual conditions of their local schools。It is necessary to build a number of provincial ideological and political teachers' training bases, set up a number of special training and funding projects for ideological and political teachers, effectively increase policy and financial support, and achieve continuous improvement of comprehensive literacy of ideological and political teachers。