The School of Marxism conducts trial lectures for new teachers

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2024-09-05Number of views:24

         Enhance the teaching ability of new teachers, promote the growth of new teachers,94On the afternoon of Sunday, the School of Marxism is in the Graphic Information Center12The meeting room of the building organized trial teaching activities for new teachers。The party and government leaders of the college, the directors of the teaching and research departments and some teachers participated in the trial lecture and evaluated the lessons。

       New teacher汪浩Zhao Jinxue任静分别选取《欧洲杯投注赔率》、《欧洲杯投注官网app》、《Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New EraThe relevant chapters of the three courses are taught without students。The three teachers have standardized expression, smooth explanation and reasonable teaching design。

  After the trial,The person in charge of the college and the director of the teaching and research department fully affirmed the serious teaching attitude and good professional quality of the three new teachers,At the same time from the analysis of learning situation, teaching goal setting, teaching content organization, teaching method selection, classroom interaction grasp, classroom management requirements and other aspects,Put forward a lot of valuable opinions and suggestions。Secretary Qian Jie stressed that in teaching activities, strict requirements should be used to manage the classroom order to ensure classroom discipline and teaching quality;In combination with the characteristics of students and teaching practice, the ideological and political lessons should be accurate, deep, transparent and lively。The three new teachers have said that they will fully adopt the comments, give full play to their advantages, make up for their shortcomings, constantly improve their teaching ability and level, and grow into a qualified ideological and political teacher as soon as possible。

  The trial lecture is an important activity for the Marxist College to improve the teaching quality of teachers举措In favor of帮助New teachers improve and optimize teaching methods, consolidate teaching skills, and improveHigh teaching levelNew teachers stand firmly on the platform to lay a solid foundation。(图文/Wu Guilin)

                        Preliminary hearing: Wu Guilin  Audit: Qian Jie